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Pulled this out of the archive for new site Primer Within every customer, provider and transport network, there exists a host of applications that collect, disseminate and make decisions so that application services can communicate. These applications are also known as routing protocols and are at the core of how the Internet functions. The most common routing protocols used today include: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)1, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 2 and IS-IS (Intermediate System - Intermediate System) 3


Pulled this out of the archive for new site Facebook Fabric Networking Deconstructed Facebook engineering has recently introduced their next-generation data center network architecture planned to be operational in the new Altoona facility. Introducing data center fabric, the next-generation Facebook data center network In this post we are going to look at the design proposed and break down some of the reasons why this design was necessary although maybe still not ideal.


Networking Configuration as a Domain Specific Language Network configurations are a language and we can use a host of tools to allow us to create a model of this configuration language by converting it into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) then finally into a data structure that can be consumed by a programming language like JSON. Network Configuration Parser (nparser) nparser is a utility that reads in network configuration files and transforms them to a structured representation that can be used for analysis, modification, reporting, etc.


